Luigi Micheletti Award

The Luigi Micheletti Award

The Luigi Micheletti Award is the European prize for innovative museums in the world of contemporary history, industry and science. It is one of the leading activities of the Luigi Micheletti Foundation.

Up to and including the 2010 competition, candidates were drawn from the list of applicants for the European Museum of the Year Award, which is administered by the European Museum Forum. The EMYA candidates are either new museums, established for the firsttime during the past two or three years, or older museums which have be...


The Carl Nielsen Museum - Permanent Exhibition
05/10/2024 @ 00:00

In a ceremony held in the Nicosia (Cyprus), the LUIGI MICHELETTI AWARD 2024 was presented to the Carl Nielsen Museum of Odense, Denmark.

The Carl Nielsen Museum was established in 1988. The museum shares building with the Odense Concert Hall and The
Odense Symphony Orchestra. Due to a needed remake the museum was closed for five years until reopening with a
brand-new exhibition in June 2023.

The Award h...

FLUGT - overview
17/09/2023 @ 00:00

In a ceremony held in the Municipal Council of Timisoara (Romania), the LUIGI MICHELETTI AWARD 2023 was presented to FLUGT, the Denmark Museum of Refugee.

The museum is in the restored hospital of a Second World War refugee camp, with an elegant new space, an exterior structure in iron with a wood interior, which blends quite naturally and very harmoniously. The exhibitions have been designed by Tinker Imagineers, who were also r...

The Carl Nielsen Museum - Permanent Exhibition

2024 Winner

The Carl Nielsen Museum was established in 1988. The museum shares building with the Odense Concert Hall and The
Odense Symphony Orchestra. Due to a needed remake the museum was closed for five years until reopening with a
brand-new exhibition in June 2023.


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