Luigi Micheletti Award

Just one moment before...
28/04/2012 @ 00:00

At a ceremony held in the State Textile and Industry Museum in Augsburg, Germany (winner of the 2011 Award), the Riverside Museum in Glasgow, UK was announced as the winner of the 2012 Micheletti Award. The trophy was presented to the museum’s director, Lawrence Fitzgerald, by HRH Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg. Representing the Luigi Micheletti Foundation were René Capovin, Uggero de Miranda and Giovanni Tampalini. A strong delegation from the European Museum Academy, which was responsible for the selection and assessment of candidates, was also present.  

TIM Building
27/04/2012 @ 09:00

The 2012 Micheletti Award Ceremony will take place on 27-28 April at the TIM - State Textil and Industry Museum April of Augsburg .

It will be a European event of great interest for museum staff and specialists working in the fields of industrial and social history, technology and science. The event is a joint co-operation of TIM, European Museum Academy (EMA) and the Luigi Micheletti Foundation.

DOWNLOAD the Registration Form and... see you in Augsburg! 

EMA Pool of Experts
22/03/2012 @ 14:00


The Winner of the 2012 Luigi Micheletti Award (XVII Edition) will be decided in Brescia, on 22 and 23 March.

The 19 candidates to the current edition of the Award will be evaluated from the Pool of Experts of EMA – European Museum Academy. It is the first time that Brescia hosts this important event. Also for this, a gala dinner will take place  on 22 evening in the musil – Museum of Industry and Work of Rodengo Saiano.   

Dr Karl Borromäus Murr with H.R.H. Princess Sibilla of Luxembourg during the 2011 Luigi Micheletti Award Cerimony at DASA in Dortmund.
09/04/2011 @ 12:30

The 16th edition of the Luigi Micheletti Award for scientific, technical and industrial museums, organised by the European Museum Academy in association with the Luigi Micheletti Foundation in Brescia, celebrated with a Presentation Ceremony and associated seminar in Dortmund, Germany, hosted by DASA German Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition. DASA was the first winner of the Micheletti Award, in 1996.

The winner of the 2011 Award was announced on Saturday 9 April, during a ceremony attended by representatives from 16 European countries, in the Steel Hall of DASA, and was followed by an Official Dinner. The winner was announced by Dr Wim van der Weiden, Chairman of the Judging Committee and presented by H.R.H. Princess Sibilla of Luxembour...

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