Luigi Micheletti Award

The Carl Nielsen Museum - Permanent Exhibition
05/10/2024 @ 00:00

In a ceremony held in the Nicosia (Cyprus), the LUIGI MICHELETTI AWARD 2024 was presented to the Carl Nielsen Museum of Odense, Denmark.

The Carl Nielsen Museum was established in 1988. The museum shares building with the Odense Concert Hall and The
Odense Symphony Orchestra. Due to a needed remake the museum was closed for five years until reopening with a
brand-new exhibition in June 2023.

The Award has been delivered by the Representative of the Luigi Micheletti Foundation, René Capovin.

FLUGT - overview
17/09/2023 @ 00:00

In a ceremony held in the Municipal Council of Timisoara (Romania), the LUIGI MICHELETTI AWARD 2023 was presented to FLUGT, the Denmark Museum of Refugee.

The museum is in the restored hospital of a Second World War refugee camp, with an elegant new space, an exterior structure in iron with a wood interior, which blends quite naturally and very harmoniously. The exhibitions have been designed by Tinker Imagineers, who were also responsible for the nearby museum, Tirpitz. The indoor part includes a traditional exhibition with historic photographs, an astonishing model made by refugees just after the end of the war, and a cinema where historic documentary films are shown. Contemporary stories of refugees from Germany, Hungary, Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Syria turn statistics ...

19/09/2021 @ 00:00

On Saturday 18 September the winners of three Awards by the European Museum Academy (EMA) were announced during an online ceremony hosted by EMA Chairman Karl Borromäus Murr in the Drents Museum (Assen, the Netherla...

Astra open-air museum
23/09/2019 @ 00:00

At a colourful ceremony held in Ljubljana Castle, Ljubljana, Slovenia, the results of the 2019 Micheletti Award was announced.

THE LUIGI MICHELETTI AWARD was presented to ASTRA NATIONAL MUSEUM COMPLEX, SIBIU, ROMANIA. When the museum was established in 1963 its focus was on the technical side of Romanian rural patrimony, with its unique collection of mills for grinding, oil and fruit presses, sawmills and some peasant industries. Since the 1990s the message has changed. It is now the largest ethnographical open-air museum in Europe, with 400 buildings on an area of c.100 hectares. A living museum, it retains its traditional culture but puts more emphasis on immaterial patrimony. It hosts traditional fairs, workshops, folk festivals and performances as well as conf...

Delivery XXIII Luigi Micheletti Award
22/09/2018 @ 00:00

At a colourful ceremony held at Den Gamle By (The Old Town), Aarhus, Denmark the results of the XXIII Luigi Micheletti Award was announced.

LUIGI MICHELETTI AWARD 2018 was presented to CHAPLIN’S WORLD BY GRÉVIN, Coursier-sur-Vevey, Switzerland. The name of Charlie Chaplin is known throughout the world, and his life can be divided into three sections. He was born into poverty in the East End of London in 1889 and abandoned with his half-brother, later earning a living as a vaudeville artist. After emigrating to the U.S. at the age of 21 he became a worldwide icon, considered to be one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. In the McCarthy years of the 1950s he was forced out of the U.S. and spent the rest of his life in the ...

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