Luigi Micheletti Award

28/04/2014 @ 12:00

At a glittering ceremony held in Glasgow at the Riverside Museum (2012 Micheletti Award winner), MUSE - Museo delle Scienze in Trento, Italy was announced as the winner of the 2014 Micheletti Award. The rich programme (seminars, workshops, visits of the city museums) culminated in the presentation of the candidates (17 museums, from 12 European countries) and in the delivery of the Prize to Michele Lanzinger, Director of the MUSE.

The judges said: “The combination of so many contemporary ideas with established museological approache...

Riverside Museum - Glasgow
31/10/2013 @ 23:59

EMA - European Museum Academy and the Luigi Micheletti Foundation are pleased to announce that it is still possible to submit an application for the XIX Luigi Micheletti Award.

The Award is focused on contemporary European history and its scientific, industrial and social heritage. You may apply if you are a museum of 20th-century history (social, political, military), a museum of science, technology or industry, a science centre, an ecomuseum or an interpretation centre on these subjects.

The Ceremony will take place at the Riverside Museum of Glasgow, in April 2014

During the ceremony, it will also be announced the winner of the DASA Award, a Prize that encourages initiatives of particular originali...

Matthias Rogg (director, on the left) and Gorch Pieken (curator, on the right) after the Delivery of the Award, observed by Massimo Negri (Director of EMA).
27/04/2013 @ 00:00

The XVIII edition of the Luigi Micheletti Award goes to the Military History Museum of National Army, located in Dresden. The ceremony took place in Bursa (Turkey). The rich programme (seminars, workshops, visits of the city) culminated in the presentation of the candidates (21 museums, from 14 European country) and in the delivery of the Prize to Matthias Rogg, Director of the Military History Museum. Representing the Luigi Micheletti Foundation were René Capovin

bursa eu
26/04/2013 @ 00:00

The XVIII Luigi Micheletti Award will take place in Bursa (Turkey), the 26th and the 27th of April. The Ceremony will be enriched by a conference dedicated to industrial heritage. In attach you can find the Application Form and the programme.

Judges' Meeting
25/03/2013 @ 09:00


The Winner of the 2013 Luigi Micheletti Award will be decided in a meeting that will take place in Brescia, the 25th of March.

The 19 candidates from 14 European countries will be evaluated from the Board of EMA – European Museum Academy and from the Representative of the Luigi Micheletti Foundation.

In the evening, a gala dinner will take place at the MusIL – Museum of Industry and Work of Rodengo Saiano.

In attach the full programme of the event and the application form for the Ceremony in Bursa (April, 26-27).

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